Can you understand the Bible without a degree?
We’ve all heard people interpret the Bible in ways that are obviously off base, and others that seem helpful. How do we know the difference? Can we read the Bible for ourselves without years of training?

Why I’m sure about “radically inclusive hope”
Here’s why we’re sure about “radically inclusive hope.” And here’s how we might even be able to turn it into a lived reality.

Our apocalyptic meal
You ever had an apocalyptic meal? Jesus invites us to share a mysterious meal with Him and each other. And this meal could very well mean the end of the world as we know it.

God never had to change his mind about you
God never had to change his mind about you. You’ve always been loved. Here’s why we’re so sure.

Ten ways love is spirituality
In order to be reconnected to God, love is the key. This is beautiful and simple and life-reorienting. This week we’re covering a bunch of related ideas to help us start to know the God of love that Jesus reveals.

It wasn’t just the poets
It wasn’t just the poets. The earliest church was all about love, from the poets to the theologians to the handworkers, from the dreamers to the doers, and everyone in between.

Our religion is love
Our religion is Love. Sound like new age mumbo jumbo? This week we’re reading a poem recited by first century Christians, all about Love.

What if we’re held responsible?
What if we’re held responsible for the histories we’re creating? Yes on a big picture, but also on a micro level. What if you’re held responsible for the history of your street, your workplace, and your neighborhood school? Jesus can help.

What gives you the right?
‘The audacity. What gives you the right?’ Isn’t this what we implicitly ask Jesus whenever we reject one of his simple, clear teachings like love for enemies and concern for the poor?

Love is the Game
Love is the game. We all want the world fixed, and love is the only effective way. Love will judge all our exclusion, self-interest, and violence, even the kind of violence that is merely to enforce our rights of self-interest—because love will judge and overturn all our hate.

The subversive political religion of Jesus
Have you ever heard that Jesus wasn’t political? What does that mean? We’re looking at one of Jesus’ most controversial actions this morning.

Why we want to be a pitiful church
Jesus' mercy is what we all so badly need. So why do we run away from it? And why do we try so hard to keep others from it? Instead let’s be a pitiful church.

Without it, we’ve got no hope: mercy.
Without it, we’ve got no hope: mercy.
Mercy is the thing you may have never known you needed. But it’s the only thing Jesus has. It’s powerful, can bring healing, and can completely free you.

Love life? How about a whole life of love?
Love life? How about a whole life of love?
That’s our goal. That’s our mission. Who’s in?

A day of glory that could right-side-up our world
We’ve gotten Jesus’ glory all wrong. Getting it right is the secret to fixing our souls. Getting it right is the secret to finally having the life-giving relationships we’ve mostly given up on.

The Only Way Into God’s Kingdom is to be Carried
The only way into God's Kingdom is to be carried. And yet, when we're carried in, we're embraced and celebrated by Jesus Himself.

God’s a divorcé? What the what?
God’s a divorcé? What the what? Join us this week as we hear a healing message about Jesus and divorce.