That Time He Tried to Correct Jesus
Mark Zack McCoy Mark Zack McCoy

That Time He Tried to Correct Jesus

As we try to understand God and follow him, it’s easy to feel so confident that we act like Peter, telling God that our way is actually right. We can simply tack Jesus onto our plans and efforts instead of becoming more like him.

Jesus tells us that his plan to save the world IS by suffering and giving himself up for it. We can follow him by taking on hurt so that others don’t have to.

What will we do?

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God’s kingdom of radically inclusive love is an invitation to holy intimacy
Mark Zack McCoy Mark Zack McCoy

God’s kingdom of radically inclusive love is an invitation to holy intimacy

Around here we repeat that we have “radically inclusive hope for absolutely everyone” over and over. But if we settle for mere inclusivity, never really accepting the invitation to holy intimacy, we’ve missed the whole point of God’s kingdom.

God’s kingdom of radically inclusive love is an invitation to holy intimacy. Why don’t we enter it together?

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This is the weirdest conversation Jesus ever had
Mark Zack McCoy Mark Zack McCoy

This is the weirdest conversation Jesus ever had

This is the weirdest conversation Jesus ever had. Trying to mind his own business. Bombarded by a woman saying her daughter has a demon. Comparing her to a dog. She agrees.

And somehow all of us learn one of the best lessons about grace we could.

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A word of encouragement for weary souls
Mark Zack McCoy Mark Zack McCoy

A word of encouragement for weary souls

Jesus cares deeply about injustice in our world—but bringing about justice isn’t all that easy. In fact, making headway is often painful and isolating, even when we’re being directly obedient to Jesus.

But here’s the thing…

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The Bankruptcy of the Mob’s Violent Theology
Mark Zack McCoy Mark Zack McCoy

The Bankruptcy of the Mob’s Violent Theology

After the storming of the Capitol on Wednesday, it’s clearer than ever that the theology that excused, justified, or encouraged that mob is bankrupt. But what else can we see with our newfound clarity?

Many of our nation’s pastors and churches are complicit. What about us?

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