How Jesus promises to bless us financially

Mark 10:17-27

Big Ideas

  • This week we are trying once more to hear the joyful offer of the Kingdom within Jesus' warning about money.
  • There is no way to experience the Kingdom of God besides being carried there. It is entirely based on dependence.
  • Riches make it harder to want or practice dependence.
  • This is why it's compared to a camel and needle. If you're used to carrying yourself, it feels impossible to choose dependence again.


  1. If "entering the Kingdom of God" means experience the new heaven and earth right here and now, instead of "going to heaven when you die," how does that change the way you understand Jesus' teaching here?
  2. How much can you relate to the idea that it's harder to practice dependence the more resouces you have?

Practical Action Steps

  1. Make a budget
  2. Make a list of your values (how do you decide what to spend on? What is important to you?)
  3. Evaluate these lists. If God entrusted you with money in order to love him and love your neighbor as yourself, then how do your budget and values reflect that?
Zack McCoy
Zack is one of the pastors of Redemption. He's in awe of grace, over and over.

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