When Jesus matches your extravagance
Mark Zack McCoy Mark Zack McCoy

When Jesus matches your extravagance

When you’ve worshiped Jesus with extravagant demonstrations of love—and then He applauds your extravagance, praises you the world over, and exceeds your love—that’s what this morning’s text is about.

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A Christmas song for revolutionaries
Mark Zack McCoy Mark Zack McCoy

A Christmas song for revolutionaries

When she was met by the angel, when she realized God was truly with her, when the power of the Most High had come upon her and she’d begun carrying the Son of God in her womb, when her whole soul and spirit swelled in the grace that had been lavished upon her,

Mary found her voice and sang the song of a revolution.

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It’s enough.
Mark Zack McCoy Mark Zack McCoy

It’s enough.

It’s enough. Whatever you have to offer—it’s enough. Your energy. Your talent. Your friendship. Your money. It may not feel like much. But it’s truly enough.

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Jesus’ law of love
Mark Zack McCoy Mark Zack McCoy

Jesus’ law of love

Jesus sums up God’s law as love. Even if you feel like you’re failing, there’s so much grace for you. Does that mean anything goes? Let’s talk more…

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Why I have courage to hope again
Mark Zack McCoy Mark Zack McCoy

Why I have courage to hope again

It’s ok to hope again. Even in the darkest night. Resurrection is coming.

Here’s what Jesus has to say about it: What else would an all-powerful God of Life and Love do? And what else is the overarching promise of the scriptures? Resurrection is coming.

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