The you that you were meant to be
Big Ideas
- Colossians 2:6-20
- The religious stuff is dumb.
- What you need is direct connection to God
- You need liberation from the powers around you pushing you to harm shalom
- This comes through union with Jesus. Through being made one with him, living in him as he lives in you
- The goal of the Christian life, full maturity, is dependence
- This is counter to what we tend to see as maturity, which is independence
- You can never be the person you’r meant to be without direct connection to Jesus
- He is reaching out right now, and wants to fill you with his fullness
- What religious rules have you felt shamed or guilted for breaking?
- What rules have you judged others for breaking?
- How did those rules fail to make you more loving?
- How did they fall short of making you more like you want to be?
- What would change if you could let go of religious rules?
- What would change if you could stop trying to impress people or earn God’s approval?
- What would change if Jesus really is reaching out, offering you union with him right now?
- What do you think about the idea that full maturity = full dependence?
- What would change if you pursued dependence more than independence?
Zack McCoy
Zack is one of the pastors of Redemption. He's in awe of grace, over and over.