Feeding on Jesus: Lent Week 5

This Lent season, we want to feed on Jesus. Lent runs from Ash Wednesday March 4 through Easter on April 20, and we're encouraging everyone involved with Redemption Church to talk through our belief statement with a partner during this time. If you missed the beginning of this, read more about how and why we're doing this here. You can see all the posts in this series by clicking here. Finally, you can see our entire belief statement here.

Here's this week's portion of our belief statement:

We believe that the Son of God came down from heaven and was made flesh by the Holy Spirit, being born to the Virgin Mary. This Son of God, Jesus Christ, was crucified under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and died and was buried. Then, on the third day that He was dead, He was physically resurrected according to the prophecies made about Him in the Old Testament. After appearing to His followers for several weeks, He physically ascended, returning to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father until the day that He will physically and gloriously return to Earth.

We believe that upon Jesus Christ’s return, He will physically resurrect everyone who is dead and judge both the living and the dead. The wicked will be subjected to the second death, eternal separation from God in conscious torment in the lake of fire. The righteous will be transformed into the new, glorious type of humanity that was ushered in by Jesus at His own resurrection. These glorified humans will then live in the presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit on a remade earth in perfect satisfaction, fulfillment, and joy for all eternity

Zack McCoy
Zack is one of the pastors of Redemption. He's in awe of grace, over and over.

Feeding on Jesus: Lent Week 6


Feeding on Jesus: Lent Week 4