Feeding on Jesus: Lent Week 4
This Lent season, we want to feed on Jesus. Lent runs from Ash Wednesday March 4 through Easter on April 20, and we're encouraging everyone involved with Redemption Church to talk through our belief statement with a partner during this time. If you missed the beginning of this, read more about how and why we're doing this here. You can see all the posts in this series by clicking here. Finally, you can see our entire belief statement here.
Here's this week's portion of our belief statement:
We believe that this eternal, uncreated Son of God became human for the sake of humanity and its salvation. This Son of God is Jesus, the Christ, the long-awaited Messiah of the Jews as prophesied for hundreds of years beforehand in the Old Testament. He was made like us, the rest of humanity, being of the same essence as us in every way with respect to His humanity, except without sin. He now has both a rational soul and a body. Nevertheless, He remains fully divine, of the same essence as the Father with respect to his divinity. He is truly God and truly human. He is one person with two natures. He is the God-man.