Feeding on Jesus: Lent Week 6

This Lent season, we want to feed on Jesus. Lent runs from Ash Wednesday March 4 through Easter on April 20, and we're encouraging everyone involved with Redemption Church to talk through our belief statement with a partner during this time. If you missed the beginning of this, read more about how and why we're doing this here. You can see all the posts in this series by clicking here. Finally, you can see our entire belief statement here.

Here's this week's portion of our belief statement:

 We believe that the only way to be righteous is by God’s gracious, completely free gift of righteousness. This gift is appropriated through faith in God who sent His Son for us, and it comes on the basis of Jesus Christ. In other words, salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, and in Christ alone. Jesus Christ’s incarnation, from His conception through His perfect life, His bloody death, His glorious resurrection, and His ascension to His imminent return, is the only means by which God has chosen to do for humanity what humanity could not do for itself. Just like Adam changed the nature of humanity for all who followed him, Christ is changing the nature of humanity for all who are His. Christ was made to be sin and a curse for us, took the penalty for sin which we deserved, and died in our place so that we could receive forgiveness, redemption, reconciliation to God, and righteousness upon exercising faith and being united to Him by the Holy Spirit.

Zack McCoy
Zack is one of the pastors of Redemption. He's in awe of grace, over and over.

Feeding on Jesus: Lent Week 7


Feeding on Jesus: Lent Week 5