A right way to worship?
What can a strange church council decision about eating meat and having sex tell us about worship? A lot.
Hope matters.
We want to be a place of radically inclusive hope. But what exactly do we mean by hope, and why does it matter?
A radical new way to live
The Spirit of Jesus led the earliest church into a counter cultural way of living that was beautiful and redemptive. But Jesus invites us to do the same. We can begin to actually experience the radical and transformative communion with God and one another we're made for.
Honoring her story
Women have been active participants in the church from its earliest moments, yet we often overlook their irreplaceable contributions. Today, we recognize and honor the stories of three women who helped establish the church in its earliest days.
A wild story of God’s radical inclusion.
While the history of the Church as an institution is so often one of exclusion, de-humanization, and violence, the ongoing story of Jesus work in and among the Church by His Spirit is a story of radical inclusion. Buckle up.
We’re going to be ok. Really. Here’s how I know.
We’re going to be ok. Really. Here’s how I know.
Who we are.
The depiction of the fall of humanity in Genesis 3 is one of the most devastating passages in all of scripture. And today, it speaks to our reality that our situation is far more dire than we may realize, and the solution is far more beautiful than anything we could ever imagine.

78 minutes?! We’ve got some questions for God.
78 minutes?! We’ve got some questions for God.

Is God mad at me?
The depiction of the fall of humanity in Genesis 3 is one of the most devastating passages in all of scripture. And today, it speaks to our reality that our situation is far more dire than we may realize, and the solution is far more beautiful than anything we could ever imagine.

Gender in Genesis
What does Genesis have to say about gender? Way better stuff than you might’ve heard.

Are we supposed to just be ok with loneliness?
Are we supposed to just be ok with loneliness?

Science, creation, and diss tracks
Maybe if we just had a Genius explainer, the awful arguments pitting Genesis against science would end.

What is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life can be found in a garden. And you may be shocked to learn it's surprisingly profane.

Trembling and ecstatic
Trembling & ecstatic. The women at Jesus’ grave found themselves trembling and ecstatic. Their minds, hearts, and whole beings must have raced as they processed the news—Jesus is risen.

The cross wasn’t about God’s hate
We can’t believe we actually need to say this, but the cross wasn’t about God’s hate.

God went ahead to your lowest point
God did something unbelievable so that you never have to be alone. It’s better news than what you’ve heard before.

The moment Jesus gave himself up
The moment Jesus gave Himself up—this is when we see the heart of the heart of God.

The doors of grace are always open
The doors of grace are always open. Always. No matter what.

There’s something about Jesus
It's great that Jesus loves us, but what does that really matter? There's just something about Him, something potent enough to upend our entire lives.