Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

God With Us: Exodus 35–40

The story of Israel’s liberation into divine relationship is our story in so many ways. As we enter Holy Week we are left with the reminder that divine deliverance is and was always about restoration into divine relationship. The emancipating God liberates us from the empire of the present evil age and into divine communion.

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Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Relentlessly Faithful: Exodus 32–34

It can seem like faith would be easier if we could only see—miracles, God, whatever, just anything more than what we see now. But this is never the case. We, like Israel, are a forgetful bunch. The divine splendors of yesterday fade quickly, and our fidelity wanes. Emancipation was not won by us, neither will our inheritance be. Faith in Yahweh begins and ends with the knowledge that it is God who carries us, always.

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Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

The Fire Among Us: Exodus 25–31

It can be easy to subjugate God to our specific ways of worshipping or talking about God. In God’s grace, patience, and willingness to condescend to us, we can forget that Yahweh is also the fiery God of emancipation. As we edge closer to Easter, we should hold in tension the terrifying power, authority, and strength able to wrest sin and death to the ground, and Yahweh’s insistence on accomplishing this through His own debasement, and humiliation. All at once, at Jesus’ crucifixion, the humility and the power of God are most clearly disclosed.

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