Why we Treat John 7:53–8:11 as scripture
There’s a strong possibility John 7:53-8:11 wasn’t originally written by John. Nevertheless, I’m convinced the story is accurate and true, and I’m convinced it should be treated as authoritative like the rest of the Bible.
[Sing a New Song] - Images
O God you made all of creation
Your hand made everything we see
And after every other creature
You said, "Let us make one like me"
"I'm filling up what's lacking in Christ's afflictions." Um, seriously?
Paul is joining in the work of Jesus, filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions, and carrying both the life and death of Jesus in his own body everywhere he goes. And beyond Paul's claim that he can help Jesus with His work, he goes on to show throughout the rest of Colossians that we can too.
7 Keys to a Life-Giving Christmas
Christmas is the celebration of Life Himself entering the world to overcome the death and decay that surround us. So it only makes sense that Christmas should be life-giving, not soul-killing. The rest of the year might have dragged you through the mud, but you can still use your Christmas to seek restoration and wholeness. Here are seven ideas on how.
48 Reasons to Worship Jesus this Christmas
God becoming human is the central fact of the history of the world—if that’s the case, there are infinitely many reasons we could list to give thanks for it. Here are 48 of them to start off your Christmas right.
Our Enemy This Election
There’s an enemy wreaking havoc in our country. It’s not Hillary Clinton, nor is it Donald Trump. Neither one of them has the kind of dominant power that this enemy possesses over us. This sinister ruler is deceiving. It’s lurking in the shadows.