Not Abandoned
Jesus doesn't abandon His disciples. His grace heals us again and again when we fail to follow Him. Wherever you’ve been, whatever you’ve done, Jesus has grace that’s strong enough to heal you. His inexhaustible grace is bigger than your guilt and shame.
I Ain't Afraid of No Truth
I had faith, but my reading was raising all sorts of questions that I didn’t have answers to. What if I always had so many questions? And what if I couldn’t come up with satisfying answers? Was asking deep questions incompatible with believing in Jesus? Maybe being smart was at odds with being Christian. I never phrased it in quite this way, but I think I understand what people mean when they object that they're too smart to believe.
Faith Seeking Understanding
We don’t find the perfect answers to all our questions before we believe. We may still have some questions, but they don't hinder us from encountering the living God.
I Know You Don't Like Her but She's My Girl
If I find out that someone can't stand being around my wife, that's likely to cause issues between us. Why do we expect it to be any different with Jesus?
You Take Me as I Am: Insecurity, My Boring Story, and Coming to Grips with Grace
How could I think that my prideful, selfish, unloving heart being raised to new life is anything less than supernatural? How could I want more drama than that? How could I want a more spectacular demonstration of power than that?
Christian Atheists?
You don’t have to watch Making a Murderer to know that someone can be falsely accused. The earliest Christians were no strangers to false accusations. In fact, they were accused of being atheists.