Radically inclusive hope.
For absolutely anyone.
Welcome to Redemption.
We believe in grace.
We’re convinced grace is the secret to the universe. Grace is the heart of who God is, and it’s at the heart of all He’s made and is doing. Grace is the way of Jesus. So grace is the way of Redemption.
No matter who you are, you are wanted here.
We love togetherness.
Life is about relationships. Jesus is too. Let us help you build some fantastic ones. We hope you’re encouraged by our online presence, but more than that we sincerely want to help you find your place—a place where you can be known and loved.
We like Jesus, and also questions.
So we have Sunday teaching, learning cohorts, blogs, a weekly newsletter, podcasts, and near daily interactions on Instagram and Facebook.
Our staff works daily to help you encounter Jesus’ grand love for you and this world, while dealing with the real complexities of life and faith.
When you have questions, hurts, spiritual needs, or practical needs, we are here to help. We can connect you with counselors and other resources. We can recommend books. We can help you find friends and community. Whenever you find yourself in need—like we all sometimes do—let our pastoral staff know.
We’re here to help.
You can help us make a difference.
Learn to teach and lead. Baptize your friends. Start a movement. Or volunteer behind the scenes. What do you have in mind? Let’s change Houston.