Brandon Alred Brandon Alred


After a weekend of chaos, we are reminded of our great hope. The Spirit of the living God is here, even in the darkness renewing all things.

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Living in the Worst Timeline
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Living in the Worst Timeline

Jesus' resurrection does not magically whisk us away to a better place, nor does it magically transform this world. Jesus' invitation into His radically different story might just mean this is the worst timeline.

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Reimagining Love
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Reimagining Love

How does Jesus resurrect our ideas of what it means to be human? It starts and ends with love.

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How can we change the world?
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

How can we change the world?

A Jesus centered life is far more than morality. Jesus invites us to join in His redemptive work in the ways we physically and bodily show up in the world. And this makes all the difference

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What does God want me to do with my life?
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

What does God want me to do with my life?

You have an important job to do. Being a church goer with church going friends is fine. But what difference does that make to you or to the world? Jesus invitation is an invitation into a risky, exciting and deeply meaningful way of life. Jesus has given you a vocation.

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Inclusion is the fruit of the Spirit | Ephesians 2:11-18
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Inclusion is the fruit of the Spirit | Ephesians 2:11-18

Inclusion is the fruit of the Spirit | Ephesians 2:11-18

God’s divine embrace extends to the far off, yes even you. Once we realize this, we also realize that we are called to be an active part of that embrace, seeing, including, and loving the ‘other

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The Antidote to Shame | Ephesians 2:4-7
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

The Antidote to Shame | Ephesians 2:4-7

The Antidote to Shame | Ephesians 2:4-7

Many of us have come to understand that we need to be saved from God's wrath. But Ephesians tells a starkly different story, one that will deeply transform our sense of self if we will let it be our story.

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Is God In Control | Ephesians 2:1-3
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Is God In Control | Ephesians 2:1-3

Is God in Control? | Ephesians 2:1-3

Ephesians lays out a dynamic picture of a cosmos in need of God’s re-ordering. This complicates overly simplistic clichés about what Jesus is up to among us. And leaves us with a much richer story to make sense of our lives.

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Are we predestined by God? | Ephesians 1:1-6
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Are we predestined by God? | Ephesians 1:1-6

Are we predestined by God? /|Ephesians 1:1-6

Has God predestined us? The confounding opening of Ephesians does not attempt to pose an interesting theological question. Rather, it makes a striking claim, redefining the very core of your existence.

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The Gift of Lament | Psalm 13:1-6
Todd Parish Todd Parish

The Gift of Lament | Psalm 13:1-6

The Gift of Lament | Psalm 13:1-6

We don’t need 2024 to go a certain way for us to be okay. We can experience God’s goodness right where we are. Through the practice of lament, even our deepest pains and doubts can be transformed into resilient joy.

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Christmas Eve: God as a Baby \\ Zephaniah 3:14-17
Zack McCoy Zack McCoy

Christmas Eve: God as a Baby \\ Zephaniah 3:14-17

Centering Ourselves in the Coming Messiah| Advent IV \\ Isaiah 61:1-4 & John 1:6-8, 19-28

In our desperation for all that is broken to be restored, we are tempted to grasp for control and try to bring about this restoration ourselves. When we let go and center ourselves instead in Jesus our coming Messiah, we can experience the love and the safety we so desperately long for, even now as we wait.

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Centering Ourselves in the Coming Messiah| Advent IV \\ Isaiah 61:1-4 & John 1:6-8, 19-28
Todd Parish Todd Parish

Centering Ourselves in the Coming Messiah| Advent IV \\ Isaiah 61:1-4 & John 1:6-8, 19-28

Centering Ourselves in the Coming Messiah| Advent IV \\ Isaiah 61:1-4 & John 1:6-8, 19-28

In our desperation for all that is broken to be restored, we are tempted to grasp for control and try to bring about this restoration ourselves. When we let go and center ourselves instead in Jesus our coming Messiah, we can experience the love and the safety we so desperately long for, even now as we wait.

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The Paradoxical Christian Life | Advent III | Isaiah 40:1-11
Jordan Rhea Jordan Rhea

The Paradoxical Christian Life | Advent III | Isaiah 40:1-11

The Paradoxical Christian Life | Advent III | Isaiah 40:1-11

The Christian life is one of great paradoxes, and the Advent season is a time that draws us into this very reality. We are a people that simultaneously hold a life of waiting and longing with a life of laboring and preparing. We are fully rooted in the present while also pointing ourselves towards the coming Kingdom of God. The Israelite people have much to speak into our lives regarding this theological paradox.

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