The Table : Be Real | Luke 18:9-17
The Table: Be Real | Luke 18:9-17
Confession is the birthplace of communion. Like most of what Jesus' teaches, the counterintuitive reality of coming to terms with our human limitations can be scary, but in it we find liberation and redemption
The Table : Inclusion | Matthew 15:21-28
A Communal Table Pt. 1 // John 7:37-39
"Let's do life together!" What does that really mean and what does Jesus have to do with it?
A Communal Table Pt. 2: Anti-communion | Genesis 4:8-16
A Communal Table Pt. 1 // John 7:37-39
"Let's do life together!" What does that really mean and what does Jesus have to do with it?
A Communal Table Pt. 1 | John 7:37-39
A Communal Table Pt. 1 // John 7:37-39
"Let's do life together!" What does that really mean and what does Jesus have to do with it?
An Invitation to Jesus' Table
An Invitation to Jesus' Table
Jesus invites us into our full humanity, into life. But the invitation comes with some caveats.
The Center of all Things | Matthew 1:1-17
The Center of all Things | Matthew 1:1-17
Jesus stands at the center of history. But what does that have to do with me?
We Are Exiles | Isaiah 50:1-11
We Are Exiles | Isaiah 50:1-11
We often wonder why God is so silent, so distant, and why life feels so heavy and hard at times. Yet Isaiah offers us surprising hope in the midst of the desert. More than that, he shows a God who enters the desert with us.
The Central Thing | 1 & 2 Kings
The Central Thing | 1 & 2 Kings
The narrative story of Israel's Kings is largely a story of failure. But the narrator invites to see behind the scenes and find a God of life at work in a history of death. There is a central invitation to us here.
Losing my Religion | Jonah
Losing my Religion | Jonah
Religion has wounded, disillusioned, and 'othered' so many of us. The prophet Jonah helps us see how, and to explore the invitation of the God who is bigger than our religion. Where will we go from here?
Radical Inclusion - Ruth
Radical Inclusion - Ruth
The inclusion of Jesus was not new. In fact Jesus, echoed the inclusion meant to be modeled by God's people.
Getting it Right Where it Counts / 2 Samuel
Getting it Right Where it Counts - 2 Samuel
David's life is a mess. He is violent, unfaithful, and deceitful. Yet, according to the scriptures there is something about him which makes him a man after God's heart. What in the world are we supposed to learn from a guy like this?
Whose side is God on? // Joshua 5:13-15
Whose side is God on? // Joshua 5:13-15
It's easy to assume that God being for us makes God against 'them.' But the reality of God's redemptive plan reaches far beyond our tribalism.
A Law of Love? Deuteronomy
A Law of Love? Deuteronomy
Reading the Hebrew Law as modern followers of Jesus often leaves us perplexed and possibly offended. We are ultimately left with the question of what in the world these ancient law codes have to do with us. We're tackling some of these questions together this week.
Liberation from... Exodus Part II
Liberation from... Exodus Part II // Exodus 40:33–38
We often think of liberation in terms of freedom from rather than liberation into. Yet the God of liberation is a God of love, always liberating into divine communion.
Liberation from... Exodus Part I
Liberation from... Exodus Part I // Exodus 12:21–36
The story of the Exodus is well known. And if we will allow it, this monumental moment in the life of the Hebrew people can shape our imagination in a way that leads us into the subversive way of a liberating God.
God Chooses our Mess
God Chooses our Mess // Genesis 12–50
The story of the Old Testament is often told as one of faithful heroes. In reality, the story is one of God's persistent faithfulness to be for us, using our messes to bring blessing and flourishing to the world.
God's Hope as a Response to Violence
God's Hope as a Response to Violence // Genesis 6:1-13 & 9:1-17
From the beginning of creation, God has been intervening in human ruin to provide a hope for the world through relationship with Him. the Bible’s flood narrative reveals this truth. God saw violence and responded with hope. And it was all through relationship with Him.
After Death Q&A
After Death Q&A // Mark 1:9-14
Join us as we answer your questions about life after death.