Renewed in Letting Go: Silence, Solitude, Simplicity, and Sabbath
Matthew 11:25-29
Busyness is probably the biggest obstacle to pursuing life with God. But there are ways to foster one while eliminating the other. Here's an invitation from Jesus to let go and rest.
Renewed by Grace: A Life of Prayer
Luke 18:35-43
Jesus invites us to come and follow Him. But what does that look like in the chaos and busyness of our everyday lives? The answer could revolutionize your life.
God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life
Romans 8:28-39
Ready for the most hopeful idea in all of the scriptures? Here is God's plan for your life. And it is wonderful.
A God Who Groans with Us. No…for Us.
Romans 8:26-27
God has a plan for you and pain, suffering, and death aren't it. How do we know? Because of this one magnificent reality.
Living in a World of Pain
Romans 8:18-25
What do we make of a world filled with suffering and pain? Why do we suffer? What does our suffering say about God and us? The answer is not one that allows us to escape our present suffering, but does offer us substantial hope as we endure it.
Sons of God
Romans 8:14-17
Familial language about God can be hard. We import all sorts of baggage and the waters of God's intentions towards us get cloudy. But maybe this can offer a bit of clarity.
Coming Back to Life
Romans 8:9-13
We want to follow Jesus but often feel stuck between religious performance and apathy. Is there another way? Have you tried coming back to life?
A Brave New World
Romans 8:5–8
God's invitation into a brave new world means seeing the world through the lens of God's subversive action at work in it and in you and this changes everything.
No Condemnation
Romans 8:1-4
The most hopeful idea you'll ever hear is not about an escape, away into God's future, but about how God's future breaks into your present. And this good news changes everything.
The Gift of Anticipation | Advent II: Faith
Advent is a season of preparation. One that teaches us to anticipate the ultimate advent of Christ. Our hearts and spirits primed, we wait with expectation during this holiday season. As we do, we remind ourselves of God's coming kingdom, assured of God's faithfulness, and reflecting the fullness of Christ Himself.
Watch for the Light | Advent 1: Hope
The stories we hear and believe shape the types of lives we live. So how does the story of Jesus' death, resurrection, and promised return give us daily vocation and mission?
A quiet life: Justice
The stories we hear and believe shape the types of lives we live. So how does the story of Jesus' death, resurrection, and promised return give us daily vocation and mission?
A quiet life: Rhythms
The stories we hear and believe shape the types of lives we live. So how does the story of Jesus' death, resurrection, and promised return give us daily vocation and mission?
A quiet life: Gathering (Copy)
The stories we hear and believe shape the types of lives we live. So how does the story of Jesus' death, resurrection, and promised return give us daily vocation and mission?
A quiet life: Gathering
Hebrews 10:19-25
Busy, stressed, tired, and just plain worn out. How we can begin to pursue a quiet life that will transform us and maybe even the cosmos by gathering together week after week?
The spiritual practice of wonder
Mark 10:13-16
We know the good news, but it is sometimes hard to fully receive and live in it. Scripture tells us that children are experts at receiving the kingdom of God. How then could we model our spiritual life after the kids among us? The spiritual practice of wonder helps us answer that question.
The wellspring of love
Romans 6:1-10
The world is a broken place, but there is a profound reality that gives a deep hope in the face of any and every circumstance. It has been the source of hope for God's people for over 2,000 years and can be yours also. Want to know what it is?
The wellspring of living
Romans 6:1-10
The world is a broken place, but there is a profound reality that gives a deep hope in the face of any and every circumstance. It has been the source of hope for God's people for over 2,000 years and can be yours also. Want to know what it is?
The wellspring of God’s dying
Hebrews 10
To find hope amidst our doubts, suffering, and failures, we paradoxically look to a crucified God.
A wellspring of sharing
Philippians 2:1-11
In our search for meaning, significance, success, we are each longing for transcendence. But the way up is down. None of this can come through our usual means of hustle, intellect, power, or wealth. We won't find ourselves in gaining, but in losing. This is what Christ shows us.