A practical tool to help with fear
Even when we don’t consider ourselves to be fearful people, many of our actions are attempts to cope with our deep fears and anxieties—especially as we all swim in this current epoch of turmoil. These fear-driven actions, knowingly or not, create disconnection.
God’s mercy is God’s holiness
God wants you to be holy like God is holy. In other words, God wants you to be merciful like God is merciful. Join us to hear what Jesus says.
When forgiveness is even better than forgiveness
Not all forgiveness is equal. The forgiveness Jesus brings also brings reconciliation and transformation, holistically changing our beings and this world. Yes please, I’ll take some of that. How about you?
Connecting words to life
Jesus says you can tell a tree by its fruit. So what do we do when we realize the fruit is absent? This week we’re hearing from Jesus on exactly that.
The same old tricks won’t give new results
But in this time of rampant powerless anxiety, we’re convinced convinced that the ways of Jesus can still change our world, our relationships, and our hearts. They’re utterly different than what’s been tried before. And they’re gloriously beautiful.
What if it’s true that Jesus desires you?
When you realize that Jesus desires you, you'll also realize that the primary calling in your life is to be with Jesus, which in turn empowers you to bring about the shalom He longs for you to help Him build.
What is God really like?
Jesus is what God is really like. And without the cross, it'll be hard for us to ever understand the extent of God's love, even for the ones who killed Him.
With Jesus on the Journey to Restoration
Jesus’ invitation is not just for us to be saved but to be healed. Even more shocking than that: He’s also invited us into helping Him heal the world around us. He wants us to be partners in His grand enterprise of restoration.
How to Escape the Crushing Weight of Divine Expectations
The weight of God’s demands can crush us. But if Jesus has come to free us, how do we reconcile the crushing weight of God’s expectations with His grace and love? Let’s look to Jesus.
People of Absolute Love (Mark #3)
Jesus expects that His absolute love for us will make us people of absolute love for everyone around us. Let’s go.
Jesus' Revolutionary Way (Mark #2)
"You want a revolution? I want a revelation!" How about both? Mark's opening chapter ushers in the new creation as the heavens are irreparably torn as the Son of God is revealed.
The Good News of the Kingdom of God (Mark #1)
As we find ourselves in a new wave of lockdown, it’s time to reconsider how we’re living spiritual life. We’re making some changes at Redemption, and we hope we’re all making some changes in our personal lives too.
The Simple Way of Jesus (Becoming the Church #3)
Ever wonder why Jesus seems so far off? Or why His people seem to make so little progress in pursuing Him? Let's return to the simple foundational teaching of Jesus.
The Life Giving Presence of the Church (Becoming the Church #2)
Spiritual life struggling? We all know that the Church is so much more than a building. But why is it that after months of not being able to gather together and worship, our spiritual lives are suffering? Maybe more importantly, is there anything we can do about it?
Jesus' Extraordinary Way Forward (Becoming the Church #1)
The way of the people of God is a way of fellowship. A way of sharing and caring about people among and around us. How do we do that and why? Where should we start and how can we begin to make that happen in the midst of a pandemic?