The Gift of Anticipation | Advent II: Faith
Advent is a season of preparation. One that teaches us to anticipate the ultimate advent of Christ. Our hearts and spirits primed, we wait with expectation during this holiday season. As we do, we remind ourselves of God's coming kingdom, assured of God's faithfulness, and reflecting the fullness of Christ Himself.
Watch for the Light | Advent 1: Hope
The stories we hear and believe shape the types of lives we live. So how does the story of Jesus' death, resurrection, and promised return give us daily vocation and mission?
All I want for Christmas is for God to notice me
All I want for Christmas is for God to notice me.
A Christmas song for revolutionaries
When she was met by the angel, when she realized God was truly with her, when the power of the Most High had come upon her and she’d begun carrying the Son of God in her womb, when her whole soul and spirit swelled in the grace that had been lavished upon her,
Mary found her voice and sang the song of a revolution.