Advent Tears Us In Two
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Advent Tears Us In Two

Text: Luke 3:7-18

Preparing the way of the Lord means acknowledging the darkness without and within. Doing so will mean drawing this one fundamental conclusion…

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Someone greater than you is coming
Chantal Avery Chantal Avery

Someone greater than you is coming

Text: Luke 3:1-6

John the Baptist is standing in the wilderness, calling us to repent, for the one greater is to come and make all things new. We are then invited into Jesus' salvation and restoration, giving up the old to a life far better than we can ever imagine.

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Don’t Give Up Hope
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Don’t Give Up Hope

Text: Luke 21:25-36

Ready to hope again? Hope is often something overlooked (or abandoned) in post evangelical churches like ours. But Jesus’ insists that we be a strange people who hope when it seems like we have absolutely no reason for hope. And oddly enough, Jesus uses this truth to ignite our hearts to hope again.

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A Grateful Life
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

A Grateful Life

Text: Luke 24:13-35

In our work of leading a Jesus centered life God encounters us and transfigures our resentment into gratitude.

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What The World Really Needs
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

What The World Really Needs

Text: Luke 7:36–50

Sunday after Sunday our gathering culminates in our entering into love itself. Its given to us as a meal.

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Our Allegiance
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Our Allegiance

Text: Matthew 3:13-17

The waters of baptism transport us into a new reality, one which stands in opposition to all the so called ways of life promised in the old.

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A Sent Life
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

A Sent Life

Text: Matthew 28:16-20

Jesus invites us in to send us out. But what it is we are meant to be doing is often confused, and in some instances harmful. So what does it mean to live sent?

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A Feasting Life
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

A Feasting Life

Text: Matthew 26:20-30

When we come to Jesus' table week after week, we are being invited into the very heart of God's reign in the world. We are then invited to be transformed into people who see the world through the lens of God's great love and generosity.

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A Responding Life
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

A Responding Life

Text: Mark 10:17-27

God’s love is good, but it is not always comfortable. The question we face week in and week out is “what difference will I allow it to make?” Our pattern of worship helps us encounter the love of God that refuses to leave us unchanged.

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A Listening Life
Sarah Faehnle Mast Sarah Faehnle Mast

A Listening Life

Text: John 20:1-18 (NRSV)

The world is brimming with the voice of God at every moment, a God who knows us very deeply. Our pattern of worship can offer us ways of practicing listening for this God who is so near.

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A Gathering Life
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

A Gathering Life

Text: Mark 12:28-34 (NASB20)

Want the secret to a happy life? Jesus makes it pretty clear. The thing you need most is the simple thing that you’ve been skipping.

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Our work
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Our work

Text: Luke 24:13-35

The God who makes all things new transforms us into a radically inclusive community of hope. But what exactly is the work of a community like this? Simply put, to let our hearts be set on fire.

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Brandon Alred Brandon Alred


Text: John 9:1-12 (NASB 20)

The Light of the World offers new sight. This new vision changes everything about our present existence.

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Brandon Alred Brandon Alred


Text: Mark 14:12-26 (NASB 20)

Our salvation may be personal but it is never individual. God's redemption of the world and God's transformation of your life will happen around a meal. It turns our that the Kingdom come looks a lot like dinner.

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Radically Inclusive
Chantal Avery Chantal Avery

Radically Inclusive

Text: Matthew 9:9-13

Radical Inclusion goes beyond acceptance, it is an invitation into Jesus’ life changing love. The triune God welcomes us into himself by the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ into eternal love, His eternal communion. We then as people leading Jesus centered lives are sent out invites to see the world as He does, beautiful, diverse and deeply loved by God.

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Because in Christ God is Making All Things New..
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Because in Christ God is Making All Things New..

Text: Luke 15:11-32 (NASB20)

Why are we a radically inclusive community of hope? We start with God and what God is up to in order to understand who we are and what we should be up to. And the really good news is that the God revealed in Jesus Christ is at work making all things new.

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Our Unresolved Story
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

Our Unresolved Story

Text: Malachi 3:1-4:6 (NASB20)

The Old Testament ends much the same way life happens, in an unremarkable, unresolved waiting. Waiting for life to change, waiting for things to get better, waiting for God to break through, Malachi is the prophet of the Old Testament who leaves us waiting.

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God Hasn't Forgotten You
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

God Hasn't Forgotten You

Text: Zechariah 14:1-9 (NASB20)

Ever felt like God is absent or at least asleep at the wheel? Yeah me too. But the fever dream that is the book of Zechariah offers us a compelling vision of a God who has not forgotten us, and who is very much up to something in the chaos we call life.

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When Faith is Disappointing
Brandon Alred Brandon Alred

When Faith is Disappointing

Text: Haggai 2:1-9; 20-23 (NASB20)

What does a Jesus centered life look like when the past seems to be better than the present? When the church, or our faith, or even God lets us down? There’s a way forward that is wildly subversive and unexpected.

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