The Marks of Christ
Text: Galatians Galatians 6:1-18
The mosaic of Christ in the world is made up of a variety of people, cultures, ideas, and identities. But the Church will inevitably look like Jesus.

A Transfigured Present
Text: Galatians 5:1-26
God's gift does not guarantee us an easy life. It doesn't even guarantee us a happy life. What God's gift does offer us is a beautiful life.

Peace of mind in the present
Text: Galatians 4:12-31
How does what Jesus is doing seep into our every day lived experience? Galatian’s uncomfortable allegory opens our eyes to the reality of our life with God, even in this present chaos.

The gift you keep refusing
Text: 3:19-4:1-11
So much of life is driven by our attempts to grab for ourselves what God freely offers as a gift. So what might happen if we actually accepted it?

Trusting in the Crucified Messiah
Text: Galatians 3:1-18
God’s plan to undo the fracturing of humanity has always been to create a people marked by faith. This faith is not about being intellectually right but about trusting—entrusting ourselves to the crucified Messiah who is bringing blessing to all the nations of the earth.

For those who feel like they’re on the outside
Text: Galatians 2:11-21
If at some point it was made clear to you that the good news didn’t include you, this sermon is for you.

One thing to remember heading into the new year
Text: Galatians 1:1-10
With a new year come new reflections, reminders, resolutions, and often some resolve. In the midst of all that, what is the number one thing to keep in mind?

The Word Became Flesh and Dwells Among Us
Text: John 1:6-14
We expect God’s glory to be in power and might, but Jesus reveals in His humanity and divinity His glory by being lifted up through suffering and death.

The Light Shines in the Darkness
Text: John 1:1-5
As we reflect on this past year and pray about the year ahead, we are reminded of the overarching truth that the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it.

What we miss about Mary’s song of revolution
Text: Luke 1:39-55
Mary’s Magnificat is a powerful song of revolution and rectification in a broken world. But have we missed the entire point of it?

Advent Tears Us In Two
Text: Luke 3:7-18
Preparing the way of the Lord means acknowledging the darkness without and within. Doing so will mean drawing this one fundamental conclusion…

Someone greater than you is coming
Text: Luke 3:1-6
John the Baptist is standing in the wilderness, calling us to repent, for the one greater is to come and make all things new. We are then invited into Jesus' salvation and restoration, giving up the old to a life far better than we can ever imagine.

Don’t Give Up Hope
Text: Luke 21:25-36
Ready to hope again? Hope is often something overlooked (or abandoned) in post evangelical churches like ours. But Jesus’ insists that we be a strange people who hope when it seems like we have absolutely no reason for hope. And oddly enough, Jesus uses this truth to ignite our hearts to hope again.

A Grateful Life
Text: Luke 24:13-35
In our work of leading a Jesus centered life God encounters us and transfigures our resentment into gratitude.

What The World Really Needs
Text: Luke 7:36–50
Sunday after Sunday our gathering culminates in our entering into love itself. Its given to us as a meal.

Our Allegiance
Text: Matthew 3:13-17
The waters of baptism transport us into a new reality, one which stands in opposition to all the so called ways of life promised in the old.

A Sent Life
Text: Matthew 28:16-20
Jesus invites us in to send us out. But what it is we are meant to be doing is often confused, and in some instances harmful. So what does it mean to live sent?

A Feasting Life
Text: Matthew 26:20-30
When we come to Jesus' table week after week, we are being invited into the very heart of God's reign in the world. We are then invited to be transformed into people who see the world through the lens of God's great love and generosity.

A Responding Life
Text: Mark 10:17-27
God’s love is good, but it is not always comfortable. The question we face week in and week out is “what difference will I allow it to make?” Our pattern of worship helps us encounter the love of God that refuses to leave us unchanged.