Theology for Life Zack McCoy Theology for Life Zack McCoy

Which Jesus?

There are many views about who Jesus is. We need to be able to tell the difference between what is true and what is false, because we need to know the truth in order to become alive. Who is Jesus? And why does it matter so much?

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Theology for Life Zack McCoy Theology for Life Zack McCoy

God, Evil, & Suffering

 Why does God allow evil and suffering? This is a fundamentally human question that still nags us today. So we are a lot like Job. While God does not give us His actual  reasons for allowing evil and suffering, He does graciously show us who He is. in essence, He invites us to trust Him.

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Theology for Life Zack McCoy Theology for Life Zack McCoy

The Goal: New Birth

Jesus described conversion differently than we often do. We need a new birth. This is something supernatural that happens to us. Our goal at Redemption Church is for people to be born again. In other words, we care about "Christ in me."

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