"I'm filling up what's lacking in Christ's afflictions." Um, seriously?
Paul is joining in the work of Jesus, filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions, and carrying both the life and death of Jesus in his own body everywhere he goes. And beyond Paul's claim that he can help Jesus with His work, he goes on to show throughout the rest of Colossians that we can too.
March 20-26: Praying with Jesus Before the Cross
These 40 days of prayer have been about mimicking Jesus, and in this final week before Easter, we're going to pray through several of Jesus' prayers before His crucifixion.
March 13-19: Praying for God's Help Against Sin
Let's pray with Jesus that God would not lead us into temptation but might deliver us from evil this week.
March 6-12: Praying with Jesus for Forgiveness
We're continuing through the Lord's Prayer this week with the next request in Jesus' prayer, "...and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."
February 28 - March 6: Praying with Jesus for Our Needs
For most of these 40 days of prayer, we’re using the Lord’s Prayer as our guide. We’re continuing that this week with the third request in Jesus’ prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread.”
February 21-27: Praying with Jesus for the Kingdom
For most of these 40 days of prayer, we're using the Lord's Prayer as our guide. We're continuing that this week with the second request in Jesus' prayer, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."