Faith Seeking Understanding
We don’t find the perfect answers to all our questions before we believe. We may still have some questions, but they don't hinder us from encountering the living God.
Obedience to Old Testament Commands
What are Christians supposed to do with the commands from the Old Testament? Are we supposed to obey them? Are they just good advice? Or are they binding? Do we treat all OT commands the same?
God, Evil, & Suffering
Why does God allow evil and suffering? This is a fundamentally human question that still nags us today. So we are a lot like Job. While God does not give us His actual reasons for allowing evil and suffering, He does graciously show us who He is. in essence, He invites us to trust Him.
Christians, Evolution, and Dinosaurs
This week at (Re)Discovering Jesus we spent a half hour talking a little about dinosaurs and evolution from a Christian perspective. Here are a few of the major points we covered in response.