[Sing a New Song] - Defy

Shalom is peace, wholeness, contentment, holiness, made-right-ness, etc. It's the state of creation before sin entered into it; the world Adam and Eve first experienced. This shalom was taken from all of us, from all of creation when sin cracked the cosmos. Every sickness, pain, tension, hurt, decay, and discontentment we experience is a result of sin's reign.

It shouldn't be this way.We should only know shalom.

There is an incredibly hopeful truth in this. Every one of us knows the same longing for peace. Every person, everywhere, has the thought that, "This isn't right. Things shouldn't be this way. This isn't ok." That stirring is directly from God. He is unequivocally opposed to anything that hurts shalom. So opposed, that He sent his son to become one of us and lay his life down so that creation could be restored.

The Lord is shalom. When we long for peace, we long for Him. When we feel angst and frustration with brokenness, we experience nearer communion with Him. And when we fight back by loving, healing, and creating peace here, we get to see glimpses of the Kingdom that Jesus is bringing back in fullness, and soon. We get to join Him in making Heaven on earth.

This song came out of struggling with this frustration, and we hope it resonates with you too. We are longing so deeply for shalom to reign that we can't hide from brokenness anymore. We can't help but take a stand by being peacemakers and refusing to accept the way the world is today.


Verse 1
What do we say to a world with so much darkness?
How do we love when we know that it will cost us?
Where do we stand when the ground itself is broken?
Can we just hide, and wait until it's over?

We won't stand for this!
All this brokenness!

Verse 2
We will be light, and fight against the darkness
We will choose love, no matter what it costs us
We will stand on the Solid Rock of Jesus
Giving our lives for the good of one another

Chorus 2
We won't stand for this!
All this brokenness!
All will be redeemed
By our returning King

Lord Jesus, let your kingdom come!
Lord Jesus, let your kingdom come!

Zack McCoy
Zack is one of the pastors of Redemption. He's in awe of grace, over and over.

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