Why Hasn't Anyone Told Me This Before?

It was a normal Monday night in a place I’m quite used to. I was sitting inside a Starbucks having a conversation with some friends. But it wasn’t just a normal conversation. Well, I mean at first we talked some about life and how we were doing. We talked about the stormy weather outside, wondering how we were going to leave without getting soaking wet. I told them that I was tired and going through the normal stress of life. I’m a pastor, and apparently that means I’m supposed to be well-composed and have everything in life all figured out. Apparently I’m not allowed to be human. But on this particular day, I refused to play that game. This time I resisted the temptation to just give a fake smile and say that life is great. I was honest. And it was refreshing to talk about life for a bit and connect with these people whom I had begun to grow closer to over the past few months.
After catching up, we then moved on to what we had really come to meet about in the first place.
Lately, I had heard these friends of mine asking some very perceptive questions about life and faith. I had the sense that God was doing something – that He was drawing these people to Himself. I could almost see it happening. I decided it was time for us to sit down together and talk about these questions. I told them how overjoyed I was that the two of them have been such active members of our HUB group. I told them how exciting it had been to see them become more and more a part of our community at Redemption. We were really getting to know them and they were really getting to know us.
Because I cared deeply about these two people, I wanted to dig deeper with them about belief. Because my affection for these people had been growing deeper and deeper, I wanted to have a conversation with them about this story that has moved me and has begun to change me. I wanted to talk with them about “the faith” – the teaching that Jesus’ first followers passed down and that every generation of Christians has passed down since. So, we started with some of their questions.
Before I even realized it, I started writing on a paper bag as we walked through this beautiful story that all Christians have always believed.
I began by telling them who I know myself to be. They had already heard some of my story before, but this time I went deeper. I shared with them about some of my greatest failures and some of my darkest days. I explained how during this awful time in my life I realized, with this overwhelming sense, just how broken I was – how messed up I was and how utterly unable I was to fix myself. And because of my deep love for them, I then took another risk. I said something very unpopular – something that most people know is true but hate to admit. I told them that this is who we all are: broken sinners in desperate need of God’s mercy.
Then we were able to move on to the good part of the story. We talked about Jesus the God-man, this eternal Son of God through whom all things were created. This eternal One humbled Himself and became human like us. He endured through the same sufferings that we all endure in this world. This Jesus became human for us. He died for us, got up out of the grave for us, and one day He is coming back for us. All of this He has done for us – sinful humans so unworthy of this kind of love.
A Startling Question
Then, with tears in my friends’ eyes, I heard a question that is still ringing in my ears to this day: “Why hasn’t anyone told me this before?” The question hit me like a ton of bricks. In one sense, this didn’t surprise me. But in another sense, I didn’t quite know how to process it. They have lived among Christians most of their lives. Had they really never heard this before? I guess it’s possible that no one ever actually told them this life-changing story about what God has done for the world through His Son. If that’s the case, I might get angry. But maybe both of my friends have just never been able to really hear this before. Whatever the case may be, they heard it this night. And honestly, I can't explain how it really happened. I didn’t come up with something new and flashy. I just talked with them about this ancient faith that I know to be true and life-giving.
Then a miracle happened.
One of them believed in this Jesus-centered story for the very first time. Her eyes were opened. And now, because of her new belief in Jesus, everything has started to look different to her now. She has found new life in Christ. And so she is getting baptized soon. I can’t wait for all of us at Redemption to celebrate with her and to welcome her into our family.
I want to see more and more miracles like this happen here in Houston. This is why we’ve started a church here and this is why I ever became a pastor in the first place. I live and breathe for these kinds of conversations. I live and breathe for these moments when God shines His light and opens people’s eyes to the beauty of His glorious Son.
I wish you could have been with us on that stormy Monday night. I wish you could have been at that Starbucks table with us.
But maybe you will be. Maybe more and more of these conversations will happen in coffee shops and restaurants and homes all over Houston. Maybe a movement will really begin, where one conversation at a time God starts to break through the darkness and shine His marvelous light. Maybe you will have a story like this to tell. Maybe you will get to see a miracle like this with your own eyes.