Feeding on Jesus: Lent Week 2
This Lent season, we want to feed on Jesus. Lent runs from Ash Wednesday March 4 through Easter on April 20, and we're encouraging everyone involved with Redemption Church to talk through our belief statement with a partner during this time. If you missed the beginning of this, read more about how and why we're doing this here. You can see all the posts in this series by clicking here. Finally, you can see our entire belief statement here.
Here's this week's portion of our belief statement:
We believe that God created humans in His own image, such that they shared some of His characteristics in limited form and were charged to represent Him by ruling over all the Earth. However, the first two humans, Adam and Eve, rebelled against their Creator by abusing the freedom God had given them when they listened to and obeyed the created snake. Because of this rebellion, they, along with all humanity after them, were different. Instead of being free and fully human, they had become enslaved to the power of the devil, spiritually dead, and unchangeably bad apart from God’s gracious intervention. In short, they had become sinful, and all humanity became sinful with them.