How Am I Going to Be an Optimist about This?

Is this the refrain of Christians? When the world crumbles around us, in the midst of our guilt and our worry, sometimes our number one concern is "how am I going to be an optimist about this?" After all, if we'll just close our eyes, doesn't it feel like nothing's all that wrong?

Is this the refrain of Christians? Is this what we mean by "faith"? Doesn't there have to be more to our faith than simple optimism?

Personally, I'm not sure how to be an optimist about much. And I'm not sure what good it does. Maybe we can't fix the rubble, and maybe we can't even fix our own sins. But closing our eyes and expecting it all to go away is crazy, right?

(By the way: isn't this video both creepy and powerful? The guy runs from his crumbling city where the people's eyes have gone black. He finally makes it to the light, but his own eyes have gone black too.)

Zack McCoy
Zack is one of the pastors of Redemption. He's in awe of grace, over and over.

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