True Life and Hope
I love this video because it is a beautiful picture of life and hope. This is not a message of condemnation, but one of grace.
The story begins with the One who created all things. His everlasting love overflowed into his beautiful work of creation. Out of his endless love, he created all of us unique and complex. He gave us life. And every day he graciously gives us our breath and sustains our life. This Creator is good. And he created us in a beautiful world so that we would know and enjoy him.
But something happened. We rejected our Creator. We decided that knowing him was not enough. So we sought after joy in other places. And the result was tragic. If we are honest, we have to admit that something is wrong with the world. If we want to find the ultimate source of the pain and sorrow that we observe and experience, all we need to do is look in the mirror. But the story does not end here.
This same One who created all things - he became one of us. The Creator of the universe became a part of his fragile creation. While never ceasing to be God, he became man. He is the God-man, and his name is Jesus. He did this, at great cost to himself, because he loves us. He became what we are so that we might become what he is. In order for this wonderful act of redemption to happen, he lived the life that we should have lived and died the death that we deserve. He did this in our place because he loves us. Then, after being dead, he rose from the grave in victory. And this resurrection started something. This God-man is making all things new.
Jesus Christ invites us to follow him, and in so doing he offers us new life. He offers us what we all truly long for. Following Jesus is not easy, but it is more than worth the cost. It is only in following him that we find true joy. Following Jesus will not magically make our lives easier. But it is a life full of hope. Real hope. Not just wishful thinking. It is a deep confidence that allows us to be honest about the brokenness in this world that we experience every day. And it also gives us the assurance that this broken world is being made new. We start experiencing transformation in our own lives. We become a part of a community that nurtures and sustains us. As this community of life and hope, we shine like lights in this dark world. And one day this beautiful act of redemption will finally be complete.
Jesus Christ offers new life to all of us who are desperate. This is true life and hope.